Friday, November 18, 2011

First Thoughts

My first thoughts of the book v.s. the movie before I began reading the book were "I really hope this is a good book!". After I began reading the book the first thing that I noticed about it was the way the book was written. I thought that the way Winston Groom decided to write the book the way Forreswt talks was not only really cool, but also made the book that much better. It was hard to read at first but after a chapter or two it became much easier to read. Now that I have finished the book I dont think that I could tell which one I like more

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fairy Tale

A local women is under arrest for prostitution after being found to be living with seven midgets. A women by the name of snow white was placed under arrest after being reported by her neighbor for having a "same house" relationship. She clams that the seven men were strictly roomates, but when when authorities questioned the seven small men, their intentions seemed unclear. Snow white is being held and awaiting trial. The seven men were relased after questioning.

Friday, November 4, 2011

It ISn't Fair...

It ISnt fair that ME and my brother are SO different...
It ISnt fair that I got the athletic genes..
It ISn't fair that I got blond hair and blue eyes...
It ISn't fair that I am way cooler than he is...
It ISn't fair that I get hotter girlfriends :)) ...
It ISnt fair that I have more friends, and my high school life was way easier than his...
It ISnt fair... :)