Friday, December 9, 2011


I have recently found out that I have Poralysis, and parts of my body just dont seem to work like the once did. I know im gettin old and I am grateful for having such a long life, but times are rough now. Money is tight as is, and I cant afford to get anything to help my situation. If I cant work they will just redlight me, and I will be left for dead. I dont know what to do.... Someone please help me.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Before I read this book, I never even thought about the circus. I never would have imagined that they would have had strip dances as an attraction though. I had alsways thought that the circus was a place you could go and take your family to have fun, but maybe I was wrong. Because according to this book, the circus sounds a little inappropriate, and the whole thing seems to be taken very serously. Also most of the people that work at this circus seem a little sketchy.