Friday, December 9, 2011


I have recently found out that I have Poralysis, and parts of my body just dont seem to work like the once did. I know im gettin old and I am grateful for having such a long life, but times are rough now. Money is tight as is, and I cant afford to get anything to help my situation. If I cant work they will just redlight me, and I will be left for dead. I dont know what to do.... Someone please help me.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Before I read this book, I never even thought about the circus. I never would have imagined that they would have had strip dances as an attraction though. I had alsways thought that the circus was a place you could go and take your family to have fun, but maybe I was wrong. Because according to this book, the circus sounds a little inappropriate, and the whole thing seems to be taken very serously. Also most of the people that work at this circus seem a little sketchy.

Friday, November 18, 2011

First Thoughts

My first thoughts of the book v.s. the movie before I began reading the book were "I really hope this is a good book!". After I began reading the book the first thing that I noticed about it was the way the book was written. I thought that the way Winston Groom decided to write the book the way Forreswt talks was not only really cool, but also made the book that much better. It was hard to read at first but after a chapter or two it became much easier to read. Now that I have finished the book I dont think that I could tell which one I like more

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fairy Tale

A local women is under arrest for prostitution after being found to be living with seven midgets. A women by the name of snow white was placed under arrest after being reported by her neighbor for having a "same house" relationship. She clams that the seven men were strictly roomates, but when when authorities questioned the seven small men, their intentions seemed unclear. Snow white is being held and awaiting trial. The seven men were relased after questioning.

Friday, November 4, 2011

It ISn't Fair...

It ISnt fair that ME and my brother are SO different...
It ISnt fair that I got the athletic genes..
It ISn't fair that I got blond hair and blue eyes...
It ISn't fair that I am way cooler than he is...
It ISn't fair that I get hotter girlfriends :)) ...
It ISnt fair that I have more friends, and my high school life was way easier than his...
It ISnt fair... :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Typical Sunday

9:30 - Wake up, usually because Kristyn texts me.

10:00 - Roll out of bed and then the mission of going upstairs for coffee begins.

10:10 - Arrive upstairs and get coffee, then usually talk to my parents for awhile.

11:30 - After laying in bed for awhile I go take a shower.

12:15 - Text some Friends and see what they are doing.

1:00 - Go to Kristyn's house to see her, and she usually makes me food. :)

4:00 5:00 - leave her house, and go to the movie theater with Brost.

7:00 - Movie ends and I go home for dinner.

8:00 - Take the trash out and go to my room and watch a movie or listen to music.

10:30 - Kristyn calls me and we talk on the phone.

11:45 - I GO TO SLEEP!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

List of ten things to do...

10. Take a nap, time seems to be in fast forward when you sleep so this is a great way to kill time.
9.Watch Sports Center, Becasue I can get lost doing this and watch it for a good two hours.
8. Do my chores. Doing my chores usually takes me awhile because I procrastinate and get distracted by the cool things I find while cleaning.
7. Watch a movie. Movies usually take at least an hour and a half, so this is another great way to kill time.
6. Talk to my dad I dont get to see my dad all that often, so when I call him we usually have alot to talk about and it can take up some time.
5. Playstation. I can play online with my friends Reese for hours and usually do if i am really bored and there is nothing else to do.
4.Lay in bed and listen to music. I have a really cool sound system in my room, so i could lay there and listen to good music for hours.
3. Text. I am almost ALWAYS texting someone, and it seems to be a good way to kill time.
2. Talk to people on the phone. I have spent hours talking to people at night, and it is a great way to kill time.
1. Go hangout in Town. I am always in town on the weekends, so I am usually hanging out with friends or eating at Kristyns house. :)