Thursday, October 6, 2011

List of ten things to do...

10. Take a nap, time seems to be in fast forward when you sleep so this is a great way to kill time.
9.Watch Sports Center, Becasue I can get lost doing this and watch it for a good two hours.
8. Do my chores. Doing my chores usually takes me awhile because I procrastinate and get distracted by the cool things I find while cleaning.
7. Watch a movie. Movies usually take at least an hour and a half, so this is another great way to kill time.
6. Talk to my dad I dont get to see my dad all that often, so when I call him we usually have alot to talk about and it can take up some time.
5. Playstation. I can play online with my friends Reese for hours and usually do if i am really bored and there is nothing else to do.
4.Lay in bed and listen to music. I have a really cool sound system in my room, so i could lay there and listen to good music for hours.
3. Text. I am almost ALWAYS texting someone, and it seems to be a good way to kill time.
2. Talk to people on the phone. I have spent hours talking to people at night, and it is a great way to kill time.
1. Go hangout in Town. I am always in town on the weekends, so I am usually hanging out with friends or eating at Kristyns house. :)

1 comment:

  1. "Doing my chores usually takes me awhile because I procrastinate and get distracted by the cool things I find while cleaning" <---haha!
